Social Media Agency

If you are reading this article, it means that either you have already searched for a social media agency or thinking of hiring one.

Well, finding the right fit for your business can be tricky sometimes. There are so many options around and not much time to spend on research when running an online store. However, if you want to stay in the game and don’t risk losing money and traffic, then the right choice is crucial and should not be overlooked.

So we gathered some tips here which will help you find a good match:

11 Steps to Find the Right Social Media Agency

1) Make a list of important features

What do you need from the agency? For example, better results with Facebook Ads? Better connections to influencers? More visibility on social media?

One can always hire a social media agency in the USA but you don’t want to miss the big picture. Think about your marketing goals and try to be as specific as possible when describing what you need from the agency.

2) Use social media yourself

It seems obvious but surprisingly, not all entrepreneurs take this step before hiring an agency. If you want to find a good fit for your business, you should know how it feels to get results on social media.

So go ahead, create accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and learn the platform from within. This will help you determine if your company is ready yet or if there are some other issues affecting your performance that need fixing first.

3) Ask for references

First, try to find people who have the same target audience as you do. They will most likely use similar channels and media to advertise their business. For example, if your client’s products are supposed to be for adults over 30, search for businesses targeting this age group on Facebook and see what kind of posts they share and how often.

If you can’t find any relevant examples let us tell you something:  Most agencies have a case study page where they showcase their work so don’t bother asking for references right away. Go there instead and view those examples first. Some social media agency in the USA also displays their portfolio online which means that you can ask all the questions about specifics via email or social media without actually speaking with them personally.

4) Ask for an estimate

What type of post will you get on your Facebook page? How often does it go live? What information about the target audience is shown? Does the marketing agency have any data or research to support its strategy choice?

Ask everything that comes into your mind and make sure you understand what you’ll be getting.

5) Ask for a calendar

Usually, social media agencies work in advance, meaning there is an agreement on how many posts should go up per day/week/month, etc. If this is not decided beforehand, it can cause issues in the future. For example, if an agency agrees to publish 10 posts on your Facebook page every week but then starts posting things more randomly (or vice versa), there might be problems with the results.

6) Ask about targeting

Targeting is a crucial aspect of social media marketing, so don’t leave it out. Make sure you understand which types of people will be watching your posts and why they have been chosen to see it. Expand the question by asking if there are different target audiences for different platforms or just one as a whole.

7)  Reporting from Social Media Agency

The best social media agency usually have some kind of activity tracking software, but if they don’t or you’d like to use another one, ask which metrics will be shown directly in the agency’s reporting. Usually, it includes the number of posts published per day/week/month, amount of audience reached, engagement rate, etc.

8) Ask about the content

The agency should be able to tell you what types of posts are included in their work. It can be photos only or both images and video clips. Also, find out if they create unique content for you or republish your existing materials on social media (with your permission).

9) What services are included?

It’s also good to know what other tasks besides social media marketing might be done by an agency. Usually, these include:

a) Social Media Optimization (SMO): also known as SMO Services, this type of work aims to increase your company’s presence on the web and find new ways to attract the audience. It includes link building, content sharing, and influencer marketing.

b) Content Creation: while some agencies do both – create their own posts and republish yours, others prefer to focus only on original materials. Find out if they will hire freelancers or use employees for creating blog posts or videos for you.

10) Ask about security

Keeping client data safe is one of the most important aspects of social media management, so don’t forget to ask the agency about their security measures. Find out if they use SSL certificates to protect your websites, if there are any policies on passwords and permissions for third parties etc.

11) Do you have a contract?

Do you know why this matters? If something goes wrong, the last thing you need is to find yourself in court with an agency that’s unable to show proof of an agreement because it was never written down.

We hope this article helped you understand what things might be included during a conversation with a social media agency. Don’t forget that every marketing campaign is unique, so don’t hesitate to ask anything that comes into your mind or see what other aspects can be discussed besides the ones mentioned above.

Whatever you decide, make sure that the social media agency has your best interest in mind and that they know what they’re doing. That’s it from our side… now go ahead and find yourself some new friends!  If you thought this article was interesting please do share it on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin, and remember: Sharing is Caring 😉

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